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Radiology programs in California - What's good?

Hi guys. I'm interested in a career in Radiology. I’m just having some trouble figuring out which colleges in California are good for this field. Do you have any insights? Thanks.

3 months ago

The first thing to understand is that if your goal is to become a radiologist, you'll need to attend medical school after obtaining your undergraduate degree. In this case, you'd want to aim for an undergraduate institution with strong pre-med preparation and high medical school placement rates.

However, if you're looking to become a radiologic technologist (who works closely with radiologists but doesn't require medical school), there are several accredited associate degree or certificate programs in California.

Loma Linda University offers a Bachelor's degree in Radiation Therapy, which could lead you into a career in radiology. It's known for its focus on practical experience and clinical education.

The California State Universities (CSUs) have a number of strong programs in this field distributed throughout the state. CSU Northridge, for instance, has a highly-regarded Radiologic Sciences Program where students can get an all-rounded education.

UC San Francisco offers a highly-competitive Bachelor's degree in Radiologic Health Sciences, with a program at the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging that ranks among the best due to its focus on innovative research, excellent faculty, and comprehensive clinical experience.

Community colleges, such as Foothill College, offer programs in radiologic technology where you can earn your Associate's in Arts or Associate's in Science degrees, and they have well-respected programs within the industry.

Remember, it's important to look beyond just the program and consider factors such as cost, location, size of the school, and the opportunities for research or internships, as these elements will hugely influence your college experience. Do you want a large school or a small school? Do you want to be in a major city or a small town? Each of these factors can impact your success and happiness during your college years.

3 months ago

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