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Searching for Colleges - Wildlife Biology in California?

I'm planning on majoring in wildlife biology. What are some of the top Californian colleges for this subject? Which factors besides coursework should I take into account when deciding?

3 months ago

Sure! You're asking a great question.

For a student interested in wildlife biology, University of California, Davis (UC Davis) and Humboldt State University are certainly among top choices in California. UC Davis's Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology is highly respected and offers robust coursework and research opportunities. Furthermore, Humboldt State University is known for its emphasis on field experience and its unique location near various natural habitats like the Redwoods, the Pacific coastline, and mountains.

Besides coursework, you should also consider:

1. Opportunities for hands-on experience. Research, internships, or study abroad programs specifically geared towards wildlife biology can significantly enrich your understanding of the field. For instance, Humboldt State is renowned for its access to a variety of ecosystems which are great for fieldwork.

2. Faculty expertise and interests. Find out whether professors at the institution are leading researchers in your areas of interest.

3. Facilities and special programs. Consider whether the university has specialized facilities, like UC Davis's Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology, which offers more resources for research and further learning.

4. Size and location. A rural setting like Humboldt State University might offer more immediate fieldwork opportunities, while a larger school like UC Davis might offer more research opportunities. You should consider what learning environment suits you best.

5. Postgraduate opportunities. Check the university's career center to see what type of jobs or grad school placements past students in the program have secured.

6. Cost and financial aid: Factor in the cost of tuition, living expenses, and the availability of scholarships or financial aid. Both UC Davis and Humboldt State have financial aid and scholarship options which you can explore.

Finally, visit the campuses, if possible, to get a feel of the environment and culture, as this could play a big role in your overall college experience. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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