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Most beneficial college major for future entrepreneurs?

Hey guys, I'm stoked about starting my own business someday. I'm still in high school, a rising junior, and I'm in the process of figuring out which college major would be the best for this dream. Anyone has ideas for this?

3 months ago

One important thing to remember is that there is no definitive "best" major for a future entrepreneur, as entrepreneurship relies more on skills, passion, and creativity rather than a specific field of study. However, certain majors can provide you with a solid foundation that will be beneficial in a business context.

1. Business/Entrepreneurship: Naturally, one of the most applicable majors for aspiring entrepreneurs is a degree in business or entrepreneurship. These programs provide a broad understanding of how businesses work, from marketing and human resources to finance and management, equipping you with a versatile toolbox for running your own venture.

2. Computer Science: Given the digital age we live in, having tech skills or at least a good understanding of how technology can revolutionize industries can be a great selling point for an entrepreneur.

3. Economics: Having a deep understanding of how the economy works can be beneficial as it can help you identify market gaps and forecast business trends.

4. Psychology: Understanding human behavior can indeed be a great advantage for future entrepreneurs, particularly in areas like sales, marketing, and team management.

5. Engineering: If your dream is to start a tech company or any company that designs and builds products, an engineering degree can be useful.

Remember, it's not solely about the major you choose, but how you utilize your educational experience to fill your entrepreneur toolbox. This includes extracurricular activities, internships, and perhaps even starting your own small-scale venture while in college. Successful entrepreneurs come from all types of educational backgrounds. It's the passion, innovation, and commitment that truly make the difference.

3 months ago

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