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Planning to join Foreign Service - Best college major recommendations?

I am seriously considering a career in the foreign service after graduation. I know there might be several relevant majors, but I'm wondering if there is a specific one that might give me an edge or prepare me better? I'm thinking international relations, but are there any others I should consider?

3 months ago

Majoring in International Relations certainly seems like a natural fit for a career in the Foreign Service, as it encompasses a broad understanding of global affairs and international policy. That being said, there isn't an absolute "best" major for the Foreign Service, since the work can be quite varied and could benefit from different academic backgrounds.

Political Science is a good alternative to International Relations. It typically covers comparative politics and international systems, and many programs also offer courses in diplomacy & foreign policy, which would be directly applicable to the Foreign Service.

If you expect to be working in a specific region of the world, you might consider area studies, such as Middle Eastern Studies or East Asian Studies. This would give you specialized knowledge about various aspects of life in that region, including its history, societies, and languages.

Economics or Business may be beneficial if you're interested in the economic aspects of international relations, including issues like trade policies and development economics.

Foreign languages are another key area to consider, given their direct relevance to diplomatic work. You could potentially major in a specific language, or consider a double major giving equal importance to language proficiency and another related field.

One last consideration is Public Policy or Public Administration. This might be particularly relevant if you intend to work on domestic policy within the context of Foreign Service.

Whichever path you choose, try to engage in activities that allow you to develop skills and gain experiences that can be applied in a Foreign Service career. These may include internships, study abroad opportunities, Model United Nations, or other leadership and volunteer positions.

3 months ago

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