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Ideal California colleges for a 3.85 GPA student?

Hi! I've been working hard to maintain my GPA and it's currently at a 3.85. I'm wondering which colleges in California I stand a good chance at being accepted into? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

A student with a 3.85 GPA might find many dynamic educational institutions across California that match their academic profile. Let's highlight a few of them across varying levels of selectivity:

1. San Jose State University (SJSU): This is a desirable destination for students interested in technology and engineering as it's located in Silicon Valley. Business, Psychology, and Nursing are also popular majors here. Their average GPA for admitted students is 3.5.

2. University of California, Riverside (UCR): UCR is a great option for students interested in Life Sciences, Business, and Social Sciences. It would be a target school for you, with its average GPA being 3.9.

3. Loyola Marymount University (LMU): This is a private Jesuit university located in Los Angeles. Popular majors include Business, Communications, and Psychology. The average GPA for admitted students is 4.01 on a weighted scale.

4. University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC): Known for programs in Computer Science, Psychology, and Business. The average admitted GPA is 3.89.

5. University of California, San Diego (UCSD): This is a more selective public university that's particularly strong in STEM. UCSD's average GPA is 3.9.

Remember, while GPA is certainly important, colleges consider other factors as well, including strength of coursework, essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation. It's a good idea to find a balance of target, reach, and safety schools that align with your academic profile and personal interests.

3 months ago

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