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Colleges with internships for history majors

Hello folks! I’ve heard internships can provide invaluable experience, especially for us history buffs. So, are there colleges known for offering strong internship programs along with their history major?

5 months ago

Sure thing! Internships can indeed provide vital real-world experience and help history majors explore different career paths. Several U.S. universities are known for offering strong internship opportunities for history majors:

1. George Washington University (GWU): Located in Washington, D.C., GWU has proximity to a wealth of historical sites, museums, research centers, and political institutions, all of which provide rich internship opportunities.

2. University of Pennsylvania (UPenn): As home to several research centers including the McNeil Center for Early American Studies and the Penn Cultural Heritage Center, students have some unique opportunities. UPenn's location in Philadelphia also places interns in cultural and historical center of the city.

3. University of Texas, Austin (UT Austin): UT Austin offers the "History Internship Program" which provides students with a wide range of opportunities at local museums, archives, and historical societies.

4. Northeastern University: Known for its strong co-op program where students alternate semesters of academic study with full-time employment in positions related to their academic or career interests.

5. University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley): Offers internship opportunities included in the "Public History & Museums" minor where students gain hands-on experience in a museum or public history site.

Remember, when considering schools with strong internship programs, it is beneficial to also consider factors such as the university's location, connections in the field, and the specific structure of their internship program. Also, reach out to the History department at each university you're considering to ask about their process for securing internships.

5 months ago

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