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Best college majors for an ISFJ personality?

I took the Myers-Briggs test recently and found out I'm an ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging) personality type. As a junior who'll be applying to colleges soon, I wonder if certain majors align better with my personality type? Any advice is welcome!

5 months ago

Based on what I know about the ISFJ personality type, these individuals are typically caring, organized, practical, and enjoy helping others, which can lend themselves to a variety of fields. Here are some majors that might align well with those attributes:

1. Nursing or Public Health: These are both fields where you'll be in a position to help others and make a significant impact in their lives. Plus, the organization skills that ISFJs typically have would be a boon when dealing with the many details necessary in these fields.

2. Psychology or Sociology: These fields both study how individuals and societies function, which could appeal to an ISFJ's interest in understanding and aiding others.

3. Education: Your keen observation skills, patience, and desire to help others can make you an excellent educator. Plus, the structure of an educational environment may be comforting.

4. Business (especially Human Resources): ISFJs can excel in business paths that involve plenty of personal interaction, particularly Human Resources. The field often involves problem-solving human issues within a company which an ISFJ might find fulfilling.

5. Environmental Science: If you have an interest in the natural world, environmental science might be a good fit, as it involves practical problem-solving in service of protecting the environment.

It's important to remember that psychology-based assessments like Myers-Briggs are meant to be guidance tools rather than definitive decrees. Always choose a course of study that aligns with your own passions and interests. Also, consider the curriculum and basic subjects involved in each major to further assess whether you'd enjoy studying it.

5 months ago

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