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Changing Counselors on Common App Question

So I have a bit of an issue, my school counselor recently left and now we have a new one. What's the process for changing my counselor's info on the Common App? I need to make sure my new counselor is the one being contacted by colleges. A little stressed because this seems like a big deal for my applications, help!

a year ago

No need to stress! This is a common situation and the Common App has made provisions for it. First, you or your new counselor should notify the Common App about the change. This can usually be done by your counselor through their own Common App Counselor account.

If you've already submitted applications, your new counselor should reach out to the admissions offices of those schools to update your file. Colleges understand these situations are out of your control and will be flexible. Keep in mind though, any recommendations or forms submitted by your previous counselor will still be part of your application unless you specifically request for them to be replaced.

It's always a good idea to keep the line of communication open with your new counselor to ensure everything is up to date. Stay positive, this is just a small bump on the road to college!

a year ago

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