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Choosing the Right Major for Aspiring Lawyers

Bit stressed out over here. I've got my sights set on law school, but I want to pick a major that will prep me well for it. Any advice on what the best college major would be?

5 months ago

The key is to focus on your interests and strengths. There isn't a specifically defined pre-law major at most colleges, which means you can select a major that you feel passionate about and in which you think you can excel academically. Law schools generally value a diverse cohort.

A large number of law school students, however, come from humanities or social sciences backgrounds. They are often seen as good preparation for a legal career because they involve substantial reading, critical thinking, and writing, all of which are skills that are integral to law school. Some common majors include political science, history, English, philosophy, or economics. If you are interested in a specialized area of law, your major might align accordingly; for instance, studying environmental science could be beneficial if you plan to go into environmental law.

It's also beneficial to find a major that will equip you with a 'Plan B' career path should you decide not to attend law school immediately after undergrad, or at all. An example could be business or computer science if you're also interested in the tech industry or entrepreneurship.

Lastly, remember that your GPA is a crucial part of your law school application, so you should choose a major in which you can succeed academically.

Bear in mind that law schools assess a host of other factors beyond just your major and GPA, such as personal statements, recommendations, and experiences - so prioritize a major that allows you to create a balanced college profile. Success in law school isn't tied to a specific undergraduate major, but rather to the skills and dedication you bring to your studies.

5 months ago

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