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Studying Chinese in College

So I've been learning Chinese for a few years and I'm thinking about taking it up as a major in college. Which colleges have well-regarded programs in Chinese studies? Thanks, folks.

5 months ago

Sure, there are several universities renowned for their Chinese language and culture programs:

1. Stanford University: Known for an exceptional program in East Asian Languages and Culture, with a strong focus on the Chinese language as well as culture, history, and literature.

2. Yale University: Offers a major in East Asian Languages and Literature, which includes intensive Chinese study. Their Yale-China Chinese Language Academy in Hong Kong is also well-known.

3. University of California, Berkeley: Houses a robust program in East Asian Languages and Cultures. They have a wealth of resources and renowned faculty.

4. Harvard University: Their East Asian Languages and Civilizations program covers the Chinese language in depth, and their Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies is renowned worldwide.

5. Middlebury College: Diverse undergraduate Chinese program, and they run a well-regarded summer language schools program that includes Chinese.

Remember, it's not just about the program's prestige – it's about how it fits with your overall goals and interests. Some schools might focus more on modern language and society, others provide a balanced focus between language and culture. Researching each school's program in detail can offer more insight into what would be the best fit for you.

5 months ago

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