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Military colleges in Florida - which are the best?

Hey all! I'm a high school junior from Florida and I'm looking into attending a military college in my home state after I graduate. Does anyone have any recommendations on what the best military colleges are in Florida? Thanks in advance!

5 months ago

Sure thing! In Florida, you've got a couple of strong military college options that are worth serious consideration.

The first one I'd like to mention is the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. This is located in Daytona Beach, and while it isn't a traditional military academy, it offers a highly esteemed ROTC program with both Army and Air Force branches. Aside from the ROTC program, they're particularly famous for their aeronautical science (pilot) programs.

Next up is Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne. This university also offers an Army ROTC program, and their participation with the military extends to the Navy as well, offering programs like Naval Science.

Also, there’s the University of Central Florida in Orlando. This is a larger university with a significant ROTC program. They offer both Army and Air Force ROTC programs, and the school at large is known for programs in engineering and computer science.

Last but not least, you have Florida State University in Tallahassee. They offer Army, Air Force, and Navy ROTC programs, and have strong programs in business, law, and various fields in the sciences.

The best choice for you really depends on your personal goals and career interests within the military. You might want to reach out to the ROTC programs at these schools to get a finer sense of what might be a good fit for you. It's a good idea to think about not just the military aspects, but also the academic and extracurricular opportunities at each school.

5 months ago

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