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Physician Assistant major - any suggestions?

Hey all, I've decided my career path - I want to become a Physician's Assistant! But I'm a little bit unsure what the best major would be. Any advice would help a lot.

5 months ago

That's awesome that you've decided on pursuing a career as a Physician Assistant (PA). Majoring in the sciences, such as Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, or Human Physiology, is a common pathway for many prospective PAs since these majors organically cover many of the prerequisite courses for PA schools, such as Anatomy & Physiology, Clinical Biochemistry, Pharmacology, and others.

However, remember that you don't necessarily have to major in science to become a PA. You need to enjoy your undergraduate studies, maintain a good GPA, and fulfill the prerequisites for PA school. So, if you're truly passionate about another subject – say History, Philosophy, or English – you could major in that and still take the necessary science courses on the side to fulfill PA school prerequisites.

Another factor to consider is the experience or patient-care hours requirement that many PA schools have. Some students find it useful to major in Nursing or Radiologic Technology not just because they cover many of the science prerequisites, but also because these majors allow them to work in patient-care roles and accumulate the necessary clinical hours for PA school applications.

Remember to look at PA school prerequisites early on, because they can be quite extensive and specific – more so than for medical school in many cases.

So, your journey to becoming a PA isn't limited to one distinct path, and you can certainly tailor your college major and coursework based on your interests, strengths and career aspirations. Best of luck with your college journey!

5 months ago

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