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Ideal major for prospective lawyers?

Hi there! I've always been passionate about becoming a lawyer. Now that I'm thinking about college, I'm feeling a bit lost about what major to choose. Would a pre-law major be adequate, or would something more specific be better? Maybe something like political science or history?

5 months ago

Hello! It's a common belief that prospective lawyers must major in pre-law or political science in order to lay a strong foundation for law school, but the truth is, you could major in just about anything and still be a competitive candidate for law school.

The American Bar Association in fact doesn't recommend any specific undergraduate majors or courses that will prepare you for law school. What they do emphasize though, is acquiring skills in areas like problem analysis, critical reading, time management, and understanding of human behavior and social interaction.

That being said, popular majors do include Political Science, History, English and Philosophy since they are traditionally known to help hone the necessary skills. Moreover, such majors might cover topics that could come up in law school.

A word of advice though, while major choice itself isn't overly significant, maintaining a high GPA is crucial for law school admissions. Therefore, you might want to consider choosing a major in a field you are genuinely passionate about so it's easier for you to excel academically.

In a nutshell, the "best" major for you as a prospective lawyer is highly dependent on your interests, your academic strengths, and the types of skills and knowledge you wish to acquire during your undergraduate year. So, as you consider your major options, think about what you enjoy studying and where your academic interests truly lie.

5 months ago

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