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Preparing for MCAT: What's the Best Major?

Hi, I'm aiming to take the MCAT in the future and I'm still selecting my major. Any tips on which program would be the best to prepare? I know Biochemistry or Biology are popular choices but are there any other suggestions?

5 months ago

While the traditional majors for students planning to take the MCAT are indeed Health Sciences, Biology, and Biochemistry, keep in mind that majoring in other fields won't exclude you from doing well on the MCAT, as long as you take the necessary prerequisite science courses required by medical schools and tested on the MCAT.

The core prerequisite classes are typically two semesters each of biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics - often with labs - along with courses in biochemistry, psychology, sociology, and statistics. Many of the sciences mentioned will be vital for the MCAT, so regardless of your major, ensure you cover these areas.

Some students choose to major in humanities or social sciences like Economics, Political Science, or English. These students can stand out, as they bring a unique perspective to the medical field. Furthermore, the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills section of the MCAT tests students' reading and reasoning capabilities, and majors that involve plenty of reading, writing, and critical thinking could be beneficial.

You might also consider a major in Psychology or Sociology. The MCAT features a Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior section, which tests sociological and psychological concepts, research methods, and the application of these ideas.

Ultimately, what's most important is your enthusiasm for the major you choose. It's easier to excel academically when you're genuinely interested in what you're studying. These high grades will also help your overall academic profile when applying to med schools.

5 months ago

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