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Any Effective Online Tests to Determine the Best Major?

Hey all, I'm pretty undecided about my major and people have suggested I should try some online tests to figure things out. Can anyone recommend a 'best college major for me' test that worked for them?

5 months ago

Absolutely! Online tests or quizzes can be a good starting point in narrowing down potential major choices. However, I would recommend taking the results with a grain of salt since they're often based on your responses to a limited set of questions and may not fully capture your interests and abilities. Still, they can give you some directions to pursue further research about different fields of study.

A few suggestions for major-related quizzes are:

1. MyMajors: This quiz considers your academic achievements, interests, and personality to suggest possible areas of study. It's comprehensive and takes into account a lot of different variables.

2. Education Planner's "What's Your Dream Career?": This is a quick 15-question quiz that matches your interests to potential careers (and thus, related majors).

3. CareerOneStop's Interest Assessment: This is a 60-question quiz based on the Holland Code (RIASEC) model, and it sorts your interests into categories like Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

While these tests can be fun and insightful, I also encourage you to consider reflecting on your own about your past academic experiences and what you liked or didn't like about them. What subjects have you always been naturally drawn to? Are there any extracurricular activities or jobs you've held that you really enjoyed? Plus, consider informational interviews with professionals in different sectors, or job shadowing, to get a better understanding of what working in a particular field is really like. Your school's career center may also have resources to assist you in this exploration journey.

Remember, you have time to decide even after college begins, and it's not uncommon for students to change their majors multiple times. Don't rush the process and try to stay open to exploring various fields. Good luck!

5 months ago

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