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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Should I take extra classes beyond my high school's requirements if I'm aiming for top colleges?

Hey everyone! I've been thinking a lot about my schedule for next year, and I'm wondering how important it is to go above and beyond the required classes my high school offers. Do colleges prefer applicants who've taken supplemental courses, or should I just stick to what’s required and focus on getting high grades in those? I want to make sure I'm balancing my time well between school, extracurriculars, and personal health.

a year ago

I completely understand your desire to balance your academic load with extracurricular activities and personal well-being, and that's actually a very mature approach. To answer your question, top colleges indeed look favorably upon students who challenge themselves academically beyond the basic requirements. This might mean enrolling in honors or Advanced Placement (AP) classes or even dual enrollment courses at a local community college, if available and feasible for you.

Remember that for highly selective schools, demonstrating rigor in your curriculum can be just as important as maintaining strong grades. However, it's essential to ensure that you're not overextending yourself. Taking extra classes should not come at the expense of your grades in other courses, as no college ever looks well on a low GPA even if it was earned in hard classes, or your mental health, as your personal well-being should always come first, even above the college process.

Taking a balanced schedule that maintains a high level of academic rigor and reflects your interests without overwhelming yourself is the goal. For instance, if you're interested in engineering, you might take additional science and math courses, even more niche elective ones, which will show your dedication to that field.

Always reflect on your personal strengths when selecting additional courses. And remember, it’s alright to seek guidance from your counselors or teachers to find the right balance for you. Good luck with your course selection!

a year ago

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