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Need Guidance for Pre-Physician Assistant College Major Selection

I'm considering becoming a physician assistant in the future so I want to choose a college major that will set a good foundation for it. Any suggestions on which major would be the best fit?

5 months ago

Selecting the right major can certainly contribute to your success in applying to Physician Assistant (PA) schools, although the good news is that most PA programs do not require a specific major for admission. They are more concerned with your fulfillment of the prerequisite courses, your patient care experience, and your commitment to medicine.

That being said, a major in Health Sciences, Biology, or even Nursing could set you up well for this. These majors typically cover the necessary prerequisites for PA programs which often include courses in:

1. Human Anatomy and Physiology

2. Microbiology

3. General Chemistry

4. Biology

5. Psychology

6. Biochemistry

7. Statistics

All these subjects are generally covered in depth in most health-related majors.

That said, don't pick a major only for its potential advantage in a PA program. You'll likely perform better academically in a major that genuinely interests you, leading to a higher GPA which is often heavily considered by PA admission committees.

Moreover, some students opt for non-science majors to demonstrate their well-roundedness and add diverse perspectives to their healthcare training. I've known individuals who have majored in English, Sociology, and even Music who have gone on to successful careers as PAs. In these cases, they simply took the prerequisites as separate courses or electives.

To recap, while health or science related majors may offer an easier pathway to fulfill PA program requirements, many PA programs value diverse academic backgrounds. The most important factor is that you should choose a major that interests you and will allow you to excel. Don't forget to balance it with extracurricular activities relevant to your goal to become a Physician Assistant, such as shadowing a PA, volunteering in a healthcare setting, or engaging in any patient care experience. This can give you practical, hands-on experience that will serve as a tremendous asset when you apply to PA school.

5 months ago

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