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Medical laboratory scientist: What's the best major?

Is there anyone here who is or has been a medical laboratory scientist? As someone who is thinking about this career path, I am curious to know what you majored in during college and whether it had a significant impact on your current career.

5 months ago

A common choice for those interested in becoming medical laboratory scientists is to major in Medical Laboratory Science or Clinical Laboratory Science. These programs are intended for students with this specific career goal in mind and include courses on microbiology, hematology, immunology, and clinical chemistry. In these programs, you'll gain a great deal of lab experience and learn about the kind of testing and analysis you'd be doing as a medical laboratory scientist.

Additionally, a major in Biology or Biochemistry can also be beneficial. They offer a broader foundation of scientific knowledge which can be useful in understanding the principles behind the tests and procedures you'll conduct as a medical laboratory scientist.

In terms of its impact on your career, the major itself is less important than the knowledge and skills you acquire. Most importantly, you should ensure that your program is accredited because after graduation, you'll need to obtain certification from an organization like the American Society for Clinical Pathology. A program's accreditation status is key because to qualify for certification, you need to have completed an accredited program.

Remember, your college major does not define your career trajectory. While it can certainly influence your career path, what is more significant is gaining relevant skills, experiences, and certifications. Every individual is unique, and there is not a linear path to becoming a medical laboratory scientist. Good luck with your studies!

5 months ago

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