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Best major for a future medical student?

Hey, med school is definitely in the cards for me after college. However, I'm struggling to figure out which major would best prepare me for the tough road ahead. Any med students here who can shed some light on their undergraduate major choice?

5 months ago

A common belief is that to increase your chances of getting into medical school, you have to pursue a science major, like Biology or Biochemistry. While many pre-med students do choose these routes because they offer coursework that overlaps with pre-med requisites, it's equally important to choose a major that genuinely interests you.

Studies have shown that medical schools accept applicants across a range of majors. There are no specific undergraduate majors that medical schools prefer over others. If you have passions in non-traditional pre-med areas, you can definitely pursue them. For instance, an English major could refine the communication skills you'll need as a physician, or Philosophy could better train you in thinking critically and problem-solving, both of which are important skills as a medical practitioner.

Here's an example: let's say French Literature is your passion. You can major in it while also completing the required pre-med curriculum (which generally includes biology, chemistry, physics, and math). This way, you're fulfilling your prerequisites for medical school, while standing out among applicants who have pursued more traditional pre-med majors.

Ultimately, the important thing is to excel in your chosen major and take courses that meet the prerequisites for your desired medical schools. Bear in mind, however, that non-science majors will probably have a heavier course load since you likely won't have as much overlap with pre-med requisites as a science major would.

No matter what major you choose, obtaining a solid GPA, doing well on your MCAT, showcasing solid extracurricular activities (like volunteering or shadowing a doctor), and obtaining positive letters of recommendation will ultimately be key in your med-school application.

5 months ago

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