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SAT: 720 math
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Reputable Education Programs in Oklahoma Colleges?

Hey guys, my mind's set on becoming a future educator and currently, Oklahoma is my top pick for college as my folks live there. Can anyone suggest the best colleges in Oklahoma with solid programs for education majors?

5 months ago

There are several schools in Oklahoma with strong education programs that may align with your goals:

1. University of Oklahoma: The Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education offers undergraduate programs in diverse areas of education including Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Special Education, and more.

2. Oklahoma State University: The College of Education and Human Sciences offers a varied range of education programs. Specialties include programs in Secondary Education, Special Education, Elementary Education, among others.

3. University of Central Oklahoma: It has a well-respected College of Education and Professional Studies. They promote a real-world experience with learning opportunities in diverse settings.

4. Northeastern State University: Its College of Education offers unique teacher preparation programs including Special Education, Early Childhood Education, and Elementary Education.

Before you make a decision, consider each program's curriculum and practical experience opportunities, such as student teaching placements. It may also be helpful to connect with alumni or current students in those programs to get a feel for their experiences.

5 months ago

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