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Recommended College Major for a Future in Sales Engineering?

Got my sights set on a future career in sales engineering. Which college major would best equip me for this path? Any insights would be highly appreciated!

5 months ago

To forge a solid path towards a career in Sales Engineering, you might want to consider majoring in areas such as Engineering, Business, or Computer Science, depending on the industry you're interested in selling to.

If you have a specific sector of engineering you're interested in (like civil, mechanical, or software), an Engineering degree in that field could provide you with the technical expertise needed to understand the product, communicate clearly with clients, and provide solutions to their specific problems. Understanding the complex details of what you're selling will definitely give you an edge in your sales career.

On the other hand, a Business degree could equip you with the skills necessary to understand market trends, sales strategies, and consumer behavior, all of which will be useful in a sales engineering position. Business courses often incorporate elements of psychology, which can be helpful in understanding and connecting with clients.

Computer Science could also be a viable option if you're interested in selling software or tech-related products. As our world becomes increasingly digitized, familiarity with software development, coding, and data analysis could provide you with a unique selling point for customers looking to improve their tech solutions.

In any of these majors, try to take some business and communication related courses, as they would complement your major and add value. Similarly, tech-centric courses will be of great help if you're pursuing a business degree.

Internships and co-ops that involve sales, customer service, or technical roles are terrific ways to gain hands-on experience and can be an important aspect of setting yourself up for success in sales engineering.

Finally, remember that in addition to your major, your soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving abilities, will be just as valuable in a sales engineering role.

5 months ago

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