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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Writing a Strong College App Description for My Economics Class?

Hey, peeps! Working on my college apps and I need help making my economics class sound impactful in my course descriptions. Any tips on what college admissions might find attractive about an economics course besides the obvious?

a year ago

Hey there! Great question. It's great that you're thinking about how to make your course descriptions shine. For your economics class, you'll want to stress how it's helped develop your analytical and problem-solving skills.

Did you engage in any in-depth projects, like a stock market simulation or a research assignment on current economic events? Mention those! Talk about how these experiences have deepened your understanding of economic principles and their real-world applications. Also, emphasize any advanced topics you've covered, such as game theory or econometrics, if applicable. These would show a high level of engagement and intellectual curiosity.

Remember that tying your class experience to your future goals can be a strong point, too. For example, if the course sparked an interest in pursuing a degree in economics or business, be sure to make that clear. Colleges love to see that you’re thinking ahead about how your current learning is shaping your future path.

Keep it concise, but make sure each sentence shows depth and reflects your enthusiasm for the subject. Good luck!

a year ago

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