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Recommended Major for Prospective Physician Assistant?

Aspiring to become a Physician Assistant but not too sure about what college major would provide the best foundation. Biology seems like a solid option, but are there any other majors to consider for this career?

5 months ago

Absolutely, there are various majors you could consider! While Biology is indeed a common pick due to its alignment with pre-PA coursework, it's not the only route you can take.

Another popular choice is Kinesiology. Many of the fundamental concepts taught in this major, such as human movement and physiology, are important for a PA. This can also be an interesting major if you're considering specializing in orthopedics or sports medicine as a PA.

Health Sciences is also an excellent choice as this major typically includes courses on health policy, health care ethics, and health care management, providing a broader overview of the health care industry.

Yet another option is Psychology. This can be a good major if you're interested in the mental health field and would like to become a Psychiatry Physician Assistant. You typically learn about mental disorders, human behavior, and therapeutic techniques in a Psychology major which can be beneficial.

Remember, you can major in almost anything you want, as long as you complete the necessary prerequisite courses required by PA programs. These prerequisites typically include Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, and Chemistry, among others.

Keep in mind, it's also crucial to maintain a strong GPA, especially in your science classes, as this is a significant factor in PA school admissions. Therefore, choose a major that interests you and in which you believe you can excel. You could even major in a non-science field if you wish—it's all about tailoring your education to fit your interests, strengths, and career goals.

Lastly, gaining hands-on patient care experience is extremely valuable for future PAs, so consider volunteering or working part-time in a health-related role during your college years to supplement your academic studies.

5 months ago

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