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Business School Bound: Majors?

Hey everyone, I'm super stoked about business school in the future. What major should I consider in college that could increase my chances of getting into a solid MBA program later on? I'd love some advice and personal experiences if you've got 'em!

5 months ago

While it's fantastic that you're already looking ahead towards your M.B.A. possibilities, your undergraduate major does not necessarily dictate your chances of getting into a solid M.B.A. program. In fact, a variety of majors are represented in M.B.A. programs, including engineering, humanities, social sciences, and more.

However, if your interest lies in business, a few classic undergraduate majors to consider may include Business Administration, Economics, Finance, or Accounting. These paths provide a foundational understanding of business principles and practices which can be useful when pursuing an M.B.A.

Economics and Finance are particularly interesting as they delve into the operation of markets and financial theories, offering lots of transferable knowledge for M.B.A. programs.

Furthermore, if you're into technology or innovation, a major such as Computer Science or Engineering can pair well with an M.B.A, as tech and business are increasingly intertwined in the modern economy.

Keep in mind that regardless of the major, most M.B.A. programs are looking for strong academic performance, work experience, leadership roles, and good GMAT scores. What you do outside of the classroom - be it work, internships, or extracurricular activities - can also be crucial in strengthening your M.B.A. application.

And one more thing, don't forget to focus on what you're truly passionate about and where your skills lie. Passion often translates into excellence and this is something that M.B.A admissions committees value. You want your undergraduate years to reflect keen interest and deep learning in your chosen field. Enjoy your journey!

5 months ago

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