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Best majors for pursuing a career in the FBI?

Hey guys, I'm considering attending John Jay for college as I'm really interested in law enforcement. I'd love to work my way up to the FBI. What majors should I be focusing on?

3 months ago

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) employs individuals with a wide range of educational backgrounds, but here are a few majors that can be especially relevant:

1. Criminal Justice: Studying criminal justice will provide a broad understanding of the American criminal justice system, which can serve as valuable background knowledge for a career in the FBI.

2. Forensic Science: This major can be beneficial if you're interested in the more scientific and investigative aspects of law enforcement. It covers topics like crime scene investigation, lab work, and even cyber forensics.

3. Psychology: A psychology major can be useful because it can equip you with the ability to understand human behavior, motives, and patterns – skills that can be particularly pertinent in investigative roles within the FBI.

4. Computer Science: Given today's digitally driven world, the FBI needs professionals skilled in computer science and cybersecurity to combat cybercrime, protect national security information, and investigate online threats.

5. International Relations or Area Studies: If your interest in the FBI relates to its role in international security or anti-terrorism activities, studying international relations or a particular geographic area might be beneficial. Knowledge about different cultures, languages, political systems, and historical context can all be useful.

Remember, though, that more than your choice of major, the FBI looks for individuals who demonstrate leadership, integrity, and problem-solving skills. You could major in many different subjects and still meet the qualifications for a position, assuming you excel in these areas. Finally, internships and work experience are also important when it comes to making your application to the FBI competitive. Interning with a local police department, for example, could provide valuable practical experience.

In your case, if you're considering attending John Jay College of Criminal Justice, you might want to look into their programs in Forensic Psychology, Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity, and International Criminal Justice, among others. All these can set a good foundation for a career in law enforcement. Remember to keep your GPA high and plan for additional experiences like internships and leadership roles to enhance your resume.

3 months ago

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