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Do colleges view honors classes as significantly more challenging?

Hi guys, I'm just wondering, are honors classes considered much harder than standard classes in the eyes of admissions officers? I am trying to gauge whether it's worth the extra effort and potential hit to my GPA to take these more challenging courses.

a year ago

Hello there! Absolutely, honors classes are typically viewed as more challenging than standard level classes. Admissions officers recognize that honors courses often have a more rigorous curriculum and thus signify a student's willingness to push themselves academically.

When it comes to your GPA, it's important to balance course rigor with maintaining a strong academic record. Colleges like to see that you've challenged yourself, but not at the expense of your grades significantly suffering. So, if you can handle the workload and still perform well, honors courses can be a great boost to your application, but if you think you're going to struggle, it's probably best to take a lower level class.

Taking honors classes can showcase your commitment to a challenging academic experience, but always consider how you'll balance them with the rest of your coursework, as a low GPA, even one earned in honors classes, won't impress admissions officers. If you're not sure if you'll be able to handle an honors course, talk to your teacher in that subject, who will be able to give you more personalized advice on how your strengths as a student align with the more advanced material covered in the honors version of the course.

Good luck with your course selection!

a year ago

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