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Best Colleges for CS around Ohio

Hi everyone, so I'm a junior deep into the college search process and I want to major in Computer Science. I'm from Ohio and I'd love to stay close to home. Can anyone recommend good colleges for a CS major around Ohio? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

5 months ago

Hello! That's great to hear you're interested in Computer Science, it's a field with high demand and diverse opportunities. Staying in Ohio gives you several excellent options, given the state's strong higher education network.

1. Ohio State University: Their Computer Science and Engineering program is highly rated and offers a robust curriculum. This university would offer you a large-scale collegiate experience with a competitive Big Ten feel.

2. Case Western Reserve University: They have an excellent Computer Engineering program. It's a smaller, private research institution in Cleveland with a focus on STEM and a recognized reputation.

3. University of Cincinnati: Their School of Information Technology offers a well-regarded Computer Science program and benefits from Cincinnati's active tech sector which results in strong cooperative education and internship opportunities.

4. Miami University: The Computer Science and Software Engineering department offers a variety of specializations. It's also one of the oldest public universities in the country, known for its beautiful campus and commitment to undergraduate education.

5. University of Dayton: Their Computer Science program offers small class sizes, personalized attention and a well-rounded computer science education. There may also be opportunities to take part in research projects.

Remember, when considering these choices, look beyond just the program. Think about what resources each school offers and what kind of college experience you want, like the town, student life, size of the school, and potential internships or research opportunities. After doing a little bit of research, visiting (virtually or in-person) the campuses, if possible, would give you a more in-depth look into each school's culture and community.

Also, one last piece of advice - wherever you decide to go, get to know your professors early on. They can provide mentorship, advice, and opportunities that can really make a difference in your college experience. Best of luck in your college search!

5 months ago

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