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Undergrad Colleges for Criminology Majors

I'm a high school junior wanting to study Criminology in college. What are some of the top undergraduate colleges for this major? Some advice would be extremely helpful.

5 months ago

There are several strong programs in Criminology at both public and private universities across the United States. Here is a selection of schools recognized for their strong Criminology programs:

1. University of Pennsylvania (UPenn): UPenn's Criminology program provides rigorous training in criminological theory and research methods. The program offers a broad array of electives, encouraging students to explore areas such as law, business ethics, sociology, and psychology.

2. University of Maryland, College Park: This university has a renowned Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. They offer diverse courses and boast one of the top graduate programs in Criminology as well.

3. University of Florida (UF): The criminology program at UF allows for broad exploration of areas like juvenile justice, corrections, policing, and law.

4. Northeastern University: Northeastern is unique in integrating cooperative education into the program, allowing students to gain practical work experience in different settings, both domestically and internationally.

5. Florida State University (FSU): FSU's College of Criminology and Criminal Justice has been recognized for its research and teaching in the field of criminology.

6. SUNY Albany: The School of Criminal Justice in SUNY Albany has a distinguished faculty and offers a comprehensive curriculum.

While all these schools are well-regarded, remember to consider other factors such as location, campus culture, size, and financial aid opportunities when deciding where to apply. Additionally, you might want to consider the availability of internships in each area, as real-world experience can be extremely valuable in this field.

Remember to check each school's specific admission requirements and deadlines while putting together your application. Good luck with your college search and application process!

5 months ago

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