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Combining biology and politics for dual major- where to go?

Yo, folks- here's a bit of a left field one. I'm really passionate about both Biology and Politics. I know, weird mix, right? But I see a lot of cross-over in environmental policy and bioethics. Any college recommendations where I could pursue both as a dual major?

5 months ago

Certainly! It's great to see you making connections between different fields. Here are a few institutions known for strengths in both Biology and Political Science.

1. Stanford University: Known for both Political Science and Biological Sciences. They even offer an interdisciplinary program in Public Policy, which you can pair with Biology to build a strong foundation for a career in bioethics or environmental policy.

2. Cornell University: Their Political Science program is highly reputed and their Biology program is top-notch too. They are also strong in Environmental Science, making it a great choice if your interest lies in environmental policy.

3. University of California—Berkeley: Their Political Science department is consistently ranked among the top in the nation. Their Biology department is impressive as well, especially if you're interested in environmental biology.

4. Duke University: Both their Biological Sciences and Political Science departments are highly-ranked, and the university is known for supporting interdisciplinary study.

5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Their Political Science department is world-renowned, especially for courses in public policy. They also offer excellent Biology programs.

Remember, it’s not just about the prestige of the program, but also how well it aligns with your academic interests and career goals. You might also want to consider the vibe of the campus, the cultural fit and the financial implications as well. Best of luck to you!

5 months ago

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