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Recommended Colleges for Editing Majors

Hello! I've been involved with my school's yearbook & news club, and I've figured out that I want to major in Editing. It's been hard to find good colleges that offer this major though. Any help would be appreciated!

5 months ago

Hello! It's fantastic that your high school activities have led you towards your passion in Editing. However, you may find it difficult to find a specific "Editing" major in the undergraduate programs of many colleges.

Most students interested in the field usually opt for degrees in English, Journalism, or Communications, which offer courses on editing as part of the curriculum. For instance, schools like the University of Missouri or Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism are renowned for Journalism programs. These universities offer in-depth classes in editing along with excellent on-campus publications where you can practically apply your skills.

Another path could be an English major with a focus on writing and editing. Colleges like the University of Iowa and Columbia University have respectable English programs that encourage hands-on learning with opportunities to edit school publications.

Likewise, a major in Communications could allow you to explore editing in various formats - digital, print, video, etc. The University of Pennsylvania and the University of Southern California are well-known for their Communications programs.

I hope this gives you a good place to start. To enhance your editing skills further, involvement in campus publications, internships with local news agencies, or student-run publishing houses can be incredibly beneficial. Remember, practical experience, in addition to classroom learning, can make a huge difference! Good luck with your college search.

5 months ago

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