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Recommendations for colleges for English majors in Colorado?

Anyone have suggestions for good colleges for English majors in Colorado? I've been looking at some options, but I could seriously use some first-hand experiences or recommendations.

5 months ago

Hi there,

I can provide you with a few suggestions that might help you narrow down your choices. Colorado is home to a number of reputable institutions with strong programs for English majors.

1) University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) is highly recognized for its English department. They offer a wide variety of courses covering different periods of English literature, writer-specific classes, and creative writing.

2) Colorado College, known for its one-course-at-a-time block plan, offers an intimate and focused study setting that many English majors find appealing. With this model, students take one course for three and a half weeks, then get a few days off before moving on to the next course.

3) University of Denver also has a strong English department, with emphasis not only on literature but also on creative writing and rhetoric. Many students appreciate the small class sizes and dedicated faculty.

4) Colorado State University in Fort Collins also offers robust English programs, with concentrations available in literature, writing, rhetoric, and literacy, or English education.

All these schools provide students with opportunities for internships and other real-world experiences in writing and literature. As always, visit the schools if you have the chance, research the curriculum, and reach out to current students or alumni if possible. Good luck on your college search!

5 months ago

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