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Illinois colleges with strong English programs?

I'm interested in studying English and I'm based in Illinois. Can anyone suggest some colleges here with strong English departments? What kind of courses do they offer?

5 months ago

Some colleges in Illinois stand out for their strong English programs:

1. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: The English department at UIUC is top-rated and offers a variety of courses in literature, creative writing, and rhetoric. You can even opt for concentrations like Writing Studies or English Secondary Education if you're considering teaching in the future.

2. Northwestern University: Northwestern has an excellent English department offering a range of courses in literature from different periods and regions, as well as in creative writing. It's renowned for producing successful graduates in fields such as journalism, academia, and arts.

3. University of Chicago: This institution offers a dynamic program where you can study a variety of literary traditions in multiple languages, literary theory, and creative writing. Their critical approach to literature prepares students for a range of careers post-graduation.

4. DePaul University: DePaul's English department offers concentrations in Literature, Creative Writing, and English Education. Their program is known for its flexibility and diverse course offerings.

5. Loyola University Chicago: The English department offers degrees with concentrations in Literature, Creative Writing, and English & Digital Media. Its Chicago location provides additional opportunities for internships and job placements in related fields.

Remember to look through each school's curriculum and see which one aligns best with your career goals or literary preferences. It's beneficial to reach out to the representatives of these departments and discuss your interests to get a more personalized understanding of their program. Also, consider visiting the campus or signing up for a virtual tour to get a feel of each college's atmosphere.

5 months ago

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