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Massachusetts colleges for English majors - advice needed

Massachusetts is famous for its education sector, so I'm considering it for my undergraduate studies in English literature. Does anyone have recommendations on the best colleges here for English majors?

5 months ago

Massachusetts does indeed have a diverse and academically rich selection of colleges, particularly for those interested in English Literature. Let's start with the obvious, Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), have exceptional humanities programs despite their STEM reputation. Harvard, in particular, is recognized for its strong English department.

Then there's Amherst College, which has a more intimate learning environment due to its small size. Its English department is known for its innovative, discussion-based seminars and wide course offerings, from classical literature to contemporary writings.

In Boston, Boston College and Boston University both have great English programs. Boston University features a strong English department with a unique focus on global literature and critical theory. The creative writing program at Boston College is also top-notch.

Wellesley College, one of the Seven Sisters colleges, is a women's liberal arts college that boasts a dynamic English literature program. Their department emphasizes examining literature from a variety of cultural, historical, and aesthetic perspectives.

Finally, Williams College is worth considering too. Similar to Amherst, Williams is a small liberal arts school with a powerhouse English department. Students often take advantage of its tutorial-style courses, which allow for in-depth exploration of literary works.

Always keep in mind that the best college for you will depend on a variety of factors, including your academic and career goals, along with the type of campus environment you prefer. Good luck with your search!

5 months ago

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