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Best English programs in New England?

Hey guys, I'm super into English and I've heard New England has a thorough slew of terrific colleges. Can anyone share their thoughts on which colleges have the best English programs?

5 months ago

Sure, New England is indeed home to a variety of colleges renowned for their English programs. Let's delve into some of these:

1) Harvard University (Cambridge, MA): With an internationally acclaimed faculty, a wide array of course options, and a robust department that encourages interdisciplinary studies, Harvard stands out as a top choice.

2) Yale University (New Haven, CT): Known for its strong emphasis on literary theory, Yale's English degree program offers the chance to engage with diverse literary traditions and critical practices.

3) Brown University (Providence, RI): Brown offers a unique open curriculum that allows English students to craft their own academic focus. They have great offerings in both traditional and innovative fields within English studies.

4) Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH): With a notable teacher-to-student ratio, Dartmouth offers intimate class sizes that foster individualized learning and strong relationships with professors.

5) Amherst College (Amherst, MA): Among liberal arts colleges, Amherst is renowned for its English department. They offer an extensive course list, spanning from classical to contemporary literature.

6) Williams College (Williamstown, MA): Williams' English department offers a well-regarded creative writing program - a great option if you're interested in writing as well as literary analysis.

It's crucial, however, to explore these schools' websites and pay a visit if possible to see which program's approach aligns best with your personal and academic interests. Remember, the "best" program is subjective and should be the one that fits you the best.

5 months ago

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