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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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The Right College for Me - A Multidimensional Search

Hey everyone. I’m in the process of hunting for colleges, and I’m sort of undecided on my major. However, I might go for something Science-related. Hence, I'm interested in exploring reputable schools that offer a wide array of strong programs rather than just one or two. Does anyone have suggestions for colleges that excel in almost every major?

5 months ago

Absolutely! There are many colleges out there that excel in a breadth of areas, including in the sciences.

Standouts among private universities include Stanford University, Harvard University, and MIT. These universities are renowned for their almost universally dominant departments. Columbia University is also strong across the board, especially in any kind of pre-law, humanities, and social sciences program.

Public research universities such as UC Berkeley, University of Michigan, UNC Chapel Hill, and University of Virginia have strong reputations as well, featuring strength in numerous academic disciplines. These universities not only deliver top-tier education in several fields but can often provide a more cost-effective academic journey, especially if you are a resident of the given state.

If liberal arts colleges appeal to you, consider schools like Williams College, Amherst College, Swarthmore College, or Pomona College. They have smaller class sizes, which could allow for closer relationships with your professors. Additionally, they're also known for having high-quality programs across many disciplines.

When assessing what school might be the best fit for you, other factors could include the size of the institution, location, extra-curricular opportunities, and available resources. Many of these colleges also offer opportunities to take classes across disciplines or even complete dual degrees, which could be a great benefit if you are unsure of your specific academic track.

It would also be helpful, once you have a shortlist, to take virtual tours of each campus, review course catalogs, and maybe speak with a few students or alumni to get a better sense of each school's culture and strengths. This will also help in demonstrating interest, a factor that some of these schools consider in their admissions process. Best of luck in your college search!

5 months ago

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