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What should I study after high school to enter the tech industry?

Okay, so high school junior here totally into tech and coding but I'm not entirely sure what I should study after high school to get into the tech industry. Should I focus on computer science, software engineering, or are there other fields I should consider? Also, would love to hear if anyone's doing internships or projects to get a better edge for college apps. What are you guys doing?

a year ago

It's great to hear about your passion for tech and coding! Computer Science is often the go-to major for many students aiming to enter the tech industry, as it provides a solid foundation in various aspects of tech such as programming, algorithms, data structures, and more. As you suspected, another major you might consider is Software Engineering, which is more focused on the systematic development and maintenance of software. This major is slightly less common, however, so if you think it's definitely the right fit for you, make sure you check that the schools you're thinking of applying to actually offer it.

Also take care not to overlook interdisciplinary fields like Computational Mathematics or Statistics, especially if you're interested in data science or AI. Cybersecurity is also a hot field with lots of future opportunities. Remember, the best fit for you will depend on your specific interests within tech.

Regarding internships or projects, those are both excellent ways to strengthen your college applications. Many students create personal coding projects, contribute to open-source code, or participate in hackathons. Some also seek internships at local tech companies or startups. These experiences not only provide hands-on learning but also demonstrate initiative and practical skills to admissions committees.

If you're interested in research, you could reach out to professors at local colleges to see if they have any opportunities for high school students in their labs. This kind of involvement can set you apart in the college admissions process and, even more importantly, provide valuable insight into the field to give you a clearer sense of what direction you want to go in.

Keep exploring different areas within tech to find what energizes you the most, and best of luck on your journey into this industry!

a year ago

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