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Excellent Colleges for a Korean Studies Major?

Hey! I'm super passionate about the Korean language, culture, history, and everything in between. I plan on majoring in Korean, so I wondered if you guys could recommend any colleges with a reputation for their Korean Studies program? Thanks!

3 months ago

Sure, delighted to help! There are several excellent colleges in the U.S with reputable Korean Studies programs.

The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) has a Korean Studies program that is well-respected. This program is part of the East Asian Languages and Cultures department, and students can earn a minor in Korean. They take classes in the Korean language, literature, history, and culture.

Another interesting choice is the University of Hawaii at Manoa. It offers an interdisciplinary program through the Center for Korean Studies. The program provides a bachelor's degree with a focus area in Korean studies, along with master's and doctoral programs. The Center for Korean Studies also holds various events and conferences related to Korean studies, providing enrichment outside of the classroom.

Columbia University also has a robust offering through their Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. They offer an undergraduate major and minor in East Asian Languages and Cultures, with a concentration in Korean.

Yale University offers a major in East Asian Studies with a concentration in Korea. They emphasize an interdisciplinary approach to understanding Korean language, literature, and societies.

Those are few of the best Korean Studies programs. However, you might want to consider factors like the overall fit of the university, availability of study abroad opportunities in Korea, and faculty expertise in Korean Studies when making your final school selection. Good luck!

3 months ago

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