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Which colleges are good for a Linguistics and Spanish double major?

Hey there! So, I'm planning to double major in Linguistics and Spanish. It's a bit specific, I know. But can anyone suggest good colleges for these subjects, or even colleges that encourage double majoring?

3 months ago

Certainly, there are quite a few colleges renowned for their excellent Linguistics and Spanish programs, that also support students who wish to double major.

1. Stanford University: Stanford is known for its strong linguistics program and its Spanish program, offering a diverse set of classes, comprehensive curriculum, and opportunities for research and study abroad.

2. University of California - Berkeley: UC Berkeley is also especially notable for Linguistics and Spanish, offering an interdepartmental major called Romance Languages and Literatures that involves Spanish and other Romance languages. This institution is well suited for double majors and provides a plethora of research opportunities.

3. The University of Chicago: The Linguistics and Spanish programs at UChicago are rigorous and offer students numerous opportunities to engage with faculty members and partake in groundbreaking research in both fields.

4. Harvard University: As part of the Ivy League, Harvard not only offers excellent programs in both Linguistics and Spanish but also numerous research and study abroad opportunities.

While these colleges may seem quite selective, there are many other excellent institutions you might consider. For instance, Middlebury College is known for its excellent language programs in Spanish, and their liberal arts emphasis can make it easy to double major. The University of Texas at Austin has a solid linguistics program as well as excellent opportunities for studying Spanish, particularly given Austin's geographic location and vibrant Latin American culture.

Remember, when looking at colleges, consider not only their academic programs but also other factors such as size, location, faculty, opportunities for research or study abroad, etc. The right fit will depend on your personal needs and career goals. It's also always a good idea to visit the college's respective departmental websites to get more detailed information about the programs, faculty research interests, resources, and opportunities for undergraduate students. Reach out to the department or admissions office if you have specific questions—they're usually more than happy to help prospective students!

3 months ago

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