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Which colleges are best for pursuing a major in photography?

Hey there, I am a junior in high school and I have a deep passion for photography. I am considering majoring in photography in college, but I'm confused where to apply. Can someone suggest colleges that are known for their photography programs? Any extra information or tips about applying would also be appreciated!

3 months ago

There are numerous colleges you should consider if you're passionate about studying photography.

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT): RIT's School of Photographic Arts and Sciences offers several specialized Photography degrees. It's renowned for its programs and the comprehensive curriculum.

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD): RISD offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography. They have an excellent program that allows you to experiment and push boundaries within the field.

School of Visual Arts (SVA), New York: SVA's BFA Photography and Video program can be a great choice since it offers a broad-based curriculum, exposing students to diverse technical and conceptual ways to engage with photographic media.

California Institute of the Arts (CalArts): CalArts offers a Photography and Media Program that provides a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary approach to image-making.

Other options include Parsons School of Design, Maryland Institute College of Art, or Columbia College Chicago.

As you consider these programs, bear in mind that portfolio is an essential part of your application. Typically, a photography program will require a portfolio of 15-20 of your best work. To plan the portfolio, be sure to read the specific requirements that each school has. Also, remember to include a range of work in your portfolio. Programs usually like to see that you're versatile and can create different types of photographs, not just one style.

Lastly, when writing your essays, consider connecting your passion for photography to a broader theme or area of interest, rather than simply outlining your timeline of getting into photography. For example, if you're interested in photojournalism, maybe talk about how you see photography as a medium for truth and raising awareness about important issues. This can reveal more about your interests and viewpoints, overall making your application more compelling.

Good luck on your photography journey!

3 months ago

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