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SAT: 720 math
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Any recommendations for Mass Communications major colleges?

Hello, I'm a high-school junior and I'm seriously considering going in for a mass communications major after I graduate. What are some good colleges that are known for their mass communications programs? I'm open to any and all suggestions!

3 months ago

When considering colleges for a major in Mass Communications, it's essential to consider the rigor of the program, faculty expertise, networking opportunities, internships, and facilities available. I can recommend a few colleges known for their strong mass communications program:

1. University of Southern California: The Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at USC offers an excellent program in mass communication that combines theory, practice and purpose with hands-on learning.

2. Northwestern University: Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications offers renowned mass communication programs with a global reputation for strong journalistic education.

3. University of Florida: Its College of Journalism and Communications is renowned for its strength in journalism and communications studies.

4. Syracuse University: The S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse is known for its extensive mass communications program covering advertising, broadcast and digital journalism, magazine, newspaper and online journalism, public relations, and more.

5. University of Texas at Austin: The Moody College of Communication provides a comprehensive study of mass communication, emphasizing a converged media environment.

6. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: College of Media at UIUC has a strong focus on interdisciplinary studies in mass communications, encouraging students to blend their studies with fields like business, political science, and sociology.

Remember, choosing a college isn’t just about the program rank—it's about finding a school that's a good fit for you. Consider factors like size, location, culture, cost, and financial aid in addition to the strength of the Mass Communications department. Don't forget to check out student testimonials and try to connect with current students or alumni to get their perspective. Good luck with your search!

3 months ago

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