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SAT: 720 math
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Top Places to Study Psychology in Virginia?

Hey everyone, I'm a rising junior right now and trying to plan out where I should apply for colleges next year. I'm really interested in studying psychology, and for personal reasons, I'd prefer to stay in Virginia. Any top recommendations for psychology programs in Virginia colleges?

3 months ago

There are several excellent options for studying psychology in Virginia!

Firstly, the University of Virginia (UVA) stands out with its highly regarded psychology department. UVA is known for its research-focused approach, and it offers both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in Psychology. So if you're interested in writing a thesis or working in a research lab, UVA could be a great fit for you.

Another strong contender would be William & Mary, which provides a robust undergraduate psychology program, unique research opportunities, and close faculty-student mentorship. The psychology faculty at William & Mary are actively involved in research, giving students the chance to participate in cutting-edge research projects.

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) is another choice to consider. Their psychology department places strong emphasis on real-world applications of psychological principles. They offer an undergraduate major and minor in psychology for students interested in a more applied approach to the field.

Last but not least, George Mason University's psychology program is also respected in the state. The program provides a strong foundation in psychology principles with a broad selection of elective courses.

Remember to visit the websites of these schools to gain more information and explore whether their offer aligns with your career goals and interests. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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