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Where to study Psychology in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania native here and I'm going through the process of identifying colleges right now. I'm interested in majoring in psychology, but I'm unsure which schools in PA are known for their psychology programs. Any suggestions?

3 months ago

As a Pennsylvania native with a keen interest in psychology, you're in luck. Pennsylvania has a number of high-quality universities and colleges that offer strong psychology programs. Here are a few options to consider:

1. University of Pennsylvania (UPenn): This Ivy League institution has a highly ranked psychology program. UPenn's psychology department offers courses in many different areas, including developmental, social, cognitive, clinical, and biological psychology. They also offer opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved in research.

2. Carnegie Mellon University: Known for its strong emphasis on research, the psychology department at Carnegie Mellon offers concentrations in cognitive and perceptual psychology, developmental psychology, social/health psychology, and cognitive neuroscience.

3. Lehigh University: Home to a robust psychology department, Lehigh offers plenty of opportunities for undergraduate research. They have a focus on experimental psychology and have excellent facilities for psychological research.

4. Swarthmore College: For a liberal arts perspective, Swarthmore's psychology program combines traditional psychology with a cross-disciplinary approach. Students are encouraged to participate in research projects as well.

5. Pennsylvania State University (Penn State): Known for its active student body and a psychology program that spans multiple disciplines within the field such as clinical, cognitive, developmental, industrial-organizational, and social psychology.

While these are just a few examples, they represent a broad spectrum of what Pennsylvania has to offer in terms of psychology studies. You should think about the kind of college experience you want — such as the size of the school, opportunities for research, and financial factors — as you make your decision. Your interests within psychology may also sway your decision since different schools may have strengths in different sub-fields.

Of course, the best way to know if a school is right for you is to visit and speak with current students and professors in the psychology program. This will give you a feel for the culture and style of each institution's program, and help you decide which one fits your academic and personal goals best.

3 months ago

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