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Best Colleges for Secondary Education Majors in Illinois?

I'm based in Illinois and I'm planning to stay in-state for college. Considering my interests in becoming a high school teacher, which universities here offer the most robust secondary education programs?

3 months ago

If you're looking to stay in Illinois for college and want to pursue a major in Secondary Education, there are a few notably strong programs you can consider. Here are some schools known for their robust Education departments, particularly for Secondary Education:

1. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: UIUC's College of Education is renowned for its focus on research, innovation, and social responsibility in education. Their program prepares students for teaching certification in specific subject areas like English, Math, Science, Social Science, and Foreign Language.

2. Northwestern University: Located in Evanston, this prestigious institution offers a Secondary Teaching Certification program through the School of Education and Social Policy. Here, you can gain certification in areas like English, Math, Science, Social Science, or Foreign Languages while benefiting from a well-rounded liberal arts curriculum.

3. Illinois State University: The School of Teaching and Learning at ISU is somewhat unique in that it focuses heavily on hands-on, experiential learning. You'll not only learn theory but also have the opportunity to apply it in actual classrooms before you graduate.

4. University of Illinois at Chicago: UIC's College of Education offers a range of pathways for aspiring secondary educators, including specializations in Bilingual/Bicultural Education and Special Education as well as traditional subject areas.

5. Loyola University Chicago: Loyola's School of Education provides comprehensive training for future teachers, with numerous opportunities for student-teaching, internships, and community engagement.

Remember, the best program for you will depend on your individual goals, interests, and learning style. I recommend visiting these campuses if possible, talking to current students or alumni, and speaking with the admissions departments for further information. Make sure you're considering the whole picture—things like campus culture, financial aid, and support services matter just as much as program specifics.

3 months ago

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