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In Search of Top Colleges for Broadcasting Majors

Hey there, I'm really into sports and I hope to work in sports broadcasting someday. Does anyone know which colleges offer the best training for this? I could use some advice to point me in the right direction.

3 months ago

Absolutely! There are a number of excellent programs for aspiring sports broadcasters. It sounds like you're looking for a mix of strong journalism and communications programs, as well as schools with a good sports culture.

One school stands out: Syracuse University's S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. It's renowned for its broadcast and digital journalism major, which emphasizes hands-on, real-world experience in their professional studios, as well as involvement with SU's student-run TV station CitrusTV. Many notable sports broadcasters have come out of Syracuse, such as Mike Tirico and Beth Mowins, which is a testament to the strength of their program.

Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism also has an excellent reputation, and offers sports journalism specifically as a major. Furthermore, their proximity to Chicago offers a lot of opportunities for internships with professional sports teams. Northwestern athletes also have a high profile, which would likely offer valuable practice opportunities.

Another one to consider is University of Southern California. They offer a Broadcast and Digital Journalism degree at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Plus, if you're a sports fan, USC's prominent athletics programs could provide plenty of opportunities for real-world sports broadcasting experience.

University of Florida's College of Journalism and Communications has a Telecommunication–News degree, which offers extensive in-studio experience. Their student-run news and radio stations have won numerous awards. Plus, this university's well-funded sports teams are often featured on national platforms.

Lastly, Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication provides a sports journalism major. They also offer students the ability to get hands-on experience at the on-campus PBS station, and the Phoenix area is home to all four major sports leagues, which might offer great internship opportunities.

All of the above institutions have strong journalism/broadcasting programs as well as exciting sports environments. But remember, the "best" school for you will also fit your other personal and academic preferences. Happy hunting!

3 months ago

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