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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Searching for a good Teaching Program near Me

Hey, guys! I've got my heart set on a career in teaching. I'd love to stay local if possible. So, does anyone have a bead on the best colleges for teaching majors near the East Coast? Your intel would be really helpful!

3 months ago

Hey there! Sure, I can suggest a few colleges on the East Coast that are quite renowned for their teaching programs. Do note that 'best' can often be subjective and it depends on which aspects matter most to you - be it academic reputation, cost, student-teacher ratio or specific types of teacher training programs available.

Let's start with Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. Their School of Education has numerous highly regarded programs in teaching and education. They have a rich history of research in education, which allows students to engage deeply in the scope of teaching.

Next, Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN (technically not East Coast, but not too far) has a well-known Peabody College of Education and Human Development. They have a few specialty areas that consistently rank among the nation's best, such as special education and educational administration.

Boston College in MA has a School of Education and Human Development with multiple programs for teaching at different levels, from early childhood education to secondary education.

The University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA houses the Curry School of Education and Human Development with numerous teaching programs, including options to specialize in specific subject areas like English education or science education.

Remember, each of these institutions offers a unique perspective in teaching alongside the core curriculum to prepare you for a successful career in education. Plus, many of them provide students with opportunities to gain practical experience in classrooms during their studies.

Do explore them and see what aligns best with your specific interests and career vision in teaching. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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