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SAT: 720 math
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Which East Coast Colleges are Great for Undecided Majors?

Hey everyone, I'm open to all options about my major and I'm leaning towards studying on the East Coast. Could someone give their recommendations on the top colleges on the East Coast for students who are undecided about their majors?

3 months ago

Hi there! Great question. It's perfectly normal to be unsure about your major at this stage. Several East Coast colleges are well-known for their flexibility when it comes to choosing a major and they also offer a wide range of programs which would allow you to explore different academic interests.

1. Brown University: This college stands out due to its "Open Curriculum." This means there is no core curriculum and you are free to explore any courses outside of your concentration. It also allows you to create your own custom major!

2. New York University (NYU): It offers the "Gallatin School of Individualized Study," where you can create your own interdisciplinary major.

3. University of Pennsylvania: Known for its interdisciplinary study, Penn allows students to take classes across their various undergraduate schools. This could be great if you have diverse interests and need time to settle on a major.

4. Amherst College: It promotes an open curriculum much like Brown's where students have the freedom to explore different subjects before choosing a major.

5. Duke University: It encourages students to explore their interests before declaring a major. Before making a final decision about their major, students typically spend their first two years exploring different subjects.

6. University of Maryland, College Park: This university has an innovative "Letters and Sciences" program designed specifically for undecided majors. Through advising and specially designed coursework, the program helps students discover their academic interests.

Remember, where you go is not as important as what you make out of the opportunities available to you. You might want to consider additional factors such as the size of the school, its location, student culture, financial aid offerings, and the opportunities for research or internships.

3 months ago

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