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Where to major in UX Design?

Hey folks! So, I've kinda decided to apply for a UX Design major when college application season hits. But the big question is - where? Which colleges have solid undergraduate programs in this field?

5 months ago

When it comes to UX Design, several institutions stand out for their top-notch programs.

1. Carnegie Mellon University: Renowned for its Human-Computer Interaction Institute, the university offers an undergraduate major in Human-Computer Interaction. The curriculum combines design, behavioral science, and computer science, which is a great foundation for future UX designers.

2. Savannah College of Art and Design: Known for its strong design programs, SCAD offers a BFA in UX Design. There, you can learn the comprehensive nuances of user-focused design.

3. University of Washington: The university's Division of Design within the School of Art + Art History + Design offers a Bachelor of Design (BDes) degree with Interaction Design as one of the three main areas of study.

4. Stanford University: While it doesn't have a dedicated UX Design major, Stanford's Symbolic Systems program is a popular choice for students interested in UX Design. The interdisciplinary program combines computer science, psychology, linguistics, and philosophy.

5. Parsons School of Design: Parsons offers a BBA in Strategic Design and Management. Students can couple this with classes in UX Design, resulting in a well-rounded set of skills for the industry.

Remember, the best program for you is one that aligns with your personal learning style and career goals. Make sure to look into the coursework, faculty, and resources available at the colleges you consider. Best of luck!

5 months ago

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