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Best Colleges in Houston for Studying English?

Right now I'm a junior in high school, and I've always been passionate about English. I believe studying it in college could open up a ton of paths for me. I'm located in Houston and would prefer to stay nearby. Can anyone recommend me the top colleges in the Houston area for English majors?

5 months ago

Houston, Texas is definitely home to some great colleges for studying English. Here are some of the top ones:

1. Rice University: Rice is one of the leading research universities in the nation and their English department is no exception. They have a small, intimate program that enables students to closely work with their professors. They offer specialized tracks within the major like cultural studies, creative writing, media, and rhetorical studies.

2. University of Houston: UH has a strong english department. They offer a B.A. in English with concentrations in Literature, Creative Writing, and Applied Linguistics. What stands out about UH is its Creative Writing program. It's one of the best nationally ranked programs and offers a professional orientation to writing, both traditional forms like poetry and novel writing, and new media like digital storytelling.

3. Texas Southern University: TSU's English department offers a traditional English major that focuses on developing strong skills in critical thinking and writing, which are valuable in many careers. They also offer specializations in areas like African American Literature.

4. Houston Baptist University: HBU's Department of English offers a Bachelor of Arts in English as well as in Writing. They also have a unique concentration in film studies for students interested in bridging literature and film.

Each of these colleges offer unique strengths, so I recommend delving deeper into their websites, speaking to any current students or alumni you might know, and attending online departmental open houses or college fairs to see which program best fits your needs and interests. Please bear in mind that these are not the only colleges in Houston, and other colleges may also offer programs that suit your goals!

5 months ago

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