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Top Choices for Wildlife Management Majors in Florida

Hey folks! I'm aiming for a major in Wildlife Management. Can anybody share their insight on which colleges in Florida would be the best places for this field?

5 months ago

Absolutely! Wildlife Management is indeed a fascinating field. In Florida, a couple of schools stand out for this major.

First off, the University of Florida (UF) in Gainesville is definitely a great place to study Wildlife Management. UF's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences offers a major in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation which might be what you're looking for. The program provides solid training in understanding the biology and habitat needs of wildlife and the social, economic, and political aspects of wildlife management.

Another recommended institution is Florida State University (FSU) in Tallahassee. While they don't offer a direct major in Wildlife Management, there's a program in Environmental Science that offers courses in Natural Resource Conservation, effectively equipping students with the skills required in Wildlife Management.

Moreover, if you're considering a smaller school, Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) has an Environmental Studies program with concentration areas that have relevance to Wildlife Management. It's a nice option for those looking for a smaller college experience.

Lastly, you might want to consider Stetson University. While they don't have a specific Wildlife Management program, they offer an Environmental Science and Studies program. You might be able to tailor your coursework to focus more on the aspects of Wildlife Management that most interest you.

Remember, when deciding, it's always crucial to consider multiple factors such as student-to-faculty ratio, extracurricular opportunities, internship programs, and overall academic environment. Do visit these colleges (if possible) to get a real feel of their ecosystems. Good luck with your search!

5 months ago

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