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Community Colleges for Communications Majors Online

Hey y'all, lately I've been thinking about majoring in communications once I'm out of high school. I was wondering if there are any good community colleges that offer this as an online course? Since I'm still deciding between colleges, it would be great to get some admissions insight as well for the application process!

3 months ago

Hello! Your decision to major in Communications is fantastic. This is a dynamic field which offers various opportunities for creativity and innovation. There are indeed many community colleges that offer an online Associate Degree in Communications. A few options that are worth researching include Fayetteville Technical Community College and Coconino Community College. They both have online communications programs and have positive feedback.

These programs will typically include foundational courses like public speaking, interpersonal communication, or journalism, and may also offer electives in specialized areas like digital media or public relations. Even though the delivery mode is online, these programs ensure you receive a rich educational experience.

As for admissions into community colleges, it can be a straightforward process. Generally, it involves a high school diploma or GED equivalent and transcripts from any schools you've attended previously. Some places might require placement tests, while others do not. The best approach would be to check the specific requirements of the colleges you're interested in as early as possible. This will give you ample time to gather any needed documents or fulfill additional requirements.

For online courses, one thing to pay attention to is time management. Since you’ll be studying at your pace and convenience, it's crucial to stay disciplined and committed to keep up with your coursework.

Enjoy this path you're setting out on! A degree in communications can open up such a vast field of opportunities. Good luck!

3 months ago

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